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The Website ASHA Doesn't Want You To Know About

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ASHA's Thanksgiving Gift To Members: A Cranberry Dish Recipe

A speech therapist's place is in the kitchen - cooking up tasty and nutritious goodies for her family!
In an apparent attempt to trivialize our profession even more than it already has, ASHA sent out an email on 11/16/2010 that included a recipe for a Thanksgiving side dish. What's next? Perhaps ASHA's boss has a secret method for removing shower soap scum that she will share with all 140,000 ASHA members via an email blast.
Stay tuned for more housekeeping tips from ASHA!

From ASHA's mailing of 11/16/2010:
"As we think about the holiday to come, here is a new recipe you might want to try.
Cranberry Cherry Relish
1 lb fresh cranberries
2 cups sugar
½ cup fresh orange juice
½ cup cranberry juice
finely grated zest of 1 orange

1 cup dried cherries
Pick through the cranberries, rinse, then drain well. Combine the cranberries, sugar, orange juice, cranberry juice, and orange zest in a pan. Place over medium heat; boil slowly until the berries pop open, about 10 minutes. Skim the foam off of the surface with a metal spoon, stir in the cherries, and let cool to room temperature. Cover and refrigerate.
(Recipe from
We have lots of Fresh Ideas to "relish" at too."

Mmm. Sounds yummy! And it's been tested in ASHA's kitchens, so you know it has to be delicious!

If any of you really believe that ASHA's board members are spending their holidays making cranberry relish from fresh cranberries, my local pharmacy sells an at-home drug testing kit I'd like to try out on you. This is just another example of the patronizing attitude that ASHA's leadership has for the average SLP.


ASHA Convention Lumbers Into Philly

Convention snapshot: SLPs break out into hysterics when ASHA's board tells them that ASHA's sole reason for existing is to promote their professional interests
The annual ASHA convention begins today. It's a good time to repost two convention articles:

1) Misleading ASHA Keynote Speaker Bio Leaves Out Important Details

2) ASHA Convention Giveaway Based On Race/Ethnicity

If you're attending and you see anything that you think would be of interest to this blog's visitors, please forward it to me (including photos). My email is
Yes, you can remain anonymous.