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Is ASHA's Gay Group A Hate Group? ASHA Leaks #2

Emails you were never meant to see #2.

Looks like ASHA's officially recognized and very pampered gay group has no problem with bashing and hateful/violent rhetoric if it is directed at Christians. 

Take a look at the email below:
ASHA's Gay Group: hate and anti-Christian bigotry?
The writer of this letter, L. Anthony White MS ccc-slp, is referring to a Christian slp who dared to question why ASHA gives official recognition to L'GASP. I am withholding her name to protect her from being harassed.

Feb 13, 2010
....She (the name of a Christian slp) has the backing of her church and her irrational faith -- and her "God" -- which justifies her not taking responsibility for her feelings and judgements.

(name withheld) is a person who will vote against her own self interests because her church tells her to do so -- her God tells her to do so.  It is through her religion and her God that she is enlightened -- therefore irrational and not responsible, but very authoritative. It is her faith that prevents her from being comfortable in her own skin -- even though she may think she is.  

She just needs to be knocked in the head and kicked to the curb -- thats the only way to deal with irrational people. ...
Peace and blessings to you all my L'GASP family.

L. Anthony White, MS, CCC-SLP (italics added)

Imagine if this letter was about a gay slp and the author had written:
These gay slps are irrational. They just need to be knocked in the head and kicked to the curb -- thats the only way to deal with them. ...
Of course, that would be unacceptable to the liberals who run ASHA. But if it's a Christian slp, hypocritical gay activists (who despite their efforts to publicly portray themselves as being models of tolerance and acceptance are usually hatefully intolerant toward any opinions, individuals, or groups who disagree with them) feel free to spew violent rhetoric.

Mr. White, what's irrational is not our Christian faith but the fact that ASHA continues to allow a despicable group like yours to exist.

 Note: ASHA will be providing free space for this group at its conventionIf you object, call the main office of ASHA in Rockville and complain. Here's the number: 1-800-498-2071 


ASHA's Gay Rulers Deciding What Your Personal Beliefs Should Be

Dear ASHA: go to hell
ASHA doesn't care what your personal morals or beliefs are. ASHA wants you to abandon them and get in line with what ASHA (now heavily influenced/driven by a cabal of gay activists) thinks. Despite the fact that "many" members (see quote below) object to ASHA's gay agenda (private emails and messages indicate a large backlash over this issue that ASHA has chosen to dismiss (ASHA only uses The ASHA Leader to publicize membership poll results that agree with its leadership's liberal progressive political agenda and greed. All other data gets buried.)). In its usual "let's ride over the will of the members" fashion, ASHA is demanding that members support issues they don't agree with (and that ASHA even admits knowing they don't agree with). Take a look:
While many member comments reflected an ideal but not the reality, it is important for ASHA, and its members, to maintain support of often uncomfortable issues, such as non-discrimination legislation. ASHA Statement (see footnote 19)
1) ASHA wants you to throw your personal religious beliefs and morals on the trash heap if they don't have the approval of ASHA's radical gay activist rulers and overlords.
2) ASHA believes that your personal morals and religious beliefs are nothing but an anxiety problem that you need to get over. According to ASHA, it's not homosexuality that is a disorder and the disease-ridden gay lifestyle that is unhealthy - it's your disapproval that needs treatment. ASHA is now diagnosing its members' mental status. Up next: ASHA will be scheduling mandatory mammograms and colonoscopies for all its members. Your appointment will be arriving in the mail any day now - along with your dues renewal notice demanding $225 to support the lifestyles of ASHA's millionaire bosses.
3) ASHA can't allow any of it's gay rulers to feel uncomfortable at any time and for any reason, so ASHA will make its non-gay members feel uncomfortable - all the time and for any reason ASHA deems acceptable.

Dear ASHA: you can go to hell.
We are not giving up our personal beliefs for you or anyone else. Nor are we ever going to "maintain support" of "uncomfortable issues" just because a cabal of gay activists is in control of ASHA. I hereby refuse to comply with your policy agenda. If you want to file an ethical violation complaint against me, go ahead. Come and get me. Try it. I'll return the favor with a class-action religious discrimination lawsuit against ASHA on behalf of the "many" members who disagree with ASHA. I look forward to you financing my retirement in Costa Rica.

ASHA members will soon be required to attend "reeducation" workshops
to deal with beliefs and thoughts that ASHA deems unacceptable


ASHA Leaks #1: Email SLPs Never Meant To See

Has ASHA Been Lying To Its Members?

ASHA Watch has obtained emails and messages that were never meant to be seen by the general membership. We'll be posting them now and then.

 (Note: ENDA is the gay rights bill that ASHA has made part of its policy agenda.)

April  19, 2007
This is Stefanie Reeves from ASHA's DC office. I provided the ENDA
update March. I got word
yesterday afternoon that Rep. Barney Frank is slated to introduce
ENDA legislation in the House on this Tuesday April 24. I'm working
on materials ahead of the introduction including a letter of support
from ASHA and a listserv message.
We know that ENDA makes good business sense and that sexual
orientation should not be a cause for discrimination in the
workplace. However, are there additional reasons why ASHA is
supportive of ENDA? I want to include that information in my
materials. Please feel free to send this to colleagues who may have
feedback as well. Given the timing of the introduction, anything you
can get to me no later than Friday morning would be helpful. Thanks
in advance for your help with this.
Stefanie Reeves
Director of Political Advocacy 
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Capitol Hill Office
444 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 715
Washington, DC 20001
(Italics added)

Below is an ASHA statement claiming that ASHA's sole involvement with ENDA is simple monitoring:

ASHA has an obligation to update its members about the status of laws that will affect them, including the proposed Employee Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).  ASHA’s simple monitoring of the legislative status of ENDA thus is fully consistent with its organizational purpose.  (bold and italics added)
- Arlene Pietranton, executive director of ASHA since January 2004


Congressman and male prostitute customer
Barney Frank: you've got a friend at ASHA
Okay, Arlene, so which is it? Simple monitoring or active involvement in helping Barney Frank introduce the gay rights bill, with a letter of support from ASHA included? What ASHA's office was engaged in was definitely not "simple monitoring" but blatant advocacy on the bill's behalf and a violation of the federal tax laws. 

I've been told that ASHA is terrified of this blog. Really? BOO! Hey, ASHA, I would retire in a moment if you would stop all your crap. How about quitting the liberal progressive BS, stopping the financial exploitation of members, respecting your conservative and Christian members as much as you do your gay members, and getting back to your mission of serving the professional interests of SLPs? If you think that's too much to ask, then you all need to lose your jobs and the Rockland, Maryland ASHA swamp office needs to be cleaned out and disinfected.