This in from Jayna, an SLP who has been working tirelessly for members:
I was just re-reading on p. 14 of ASHA's 2008 Financial Statement that you sent me months ago. How do you think their retirement plan compares to most others? My husband and I think it sounds pretty spectacular:
"The Association has a noncontributory defined benefit retirement plan covering most employees and employees of the Foundation hired before
January 1, 2003. The benefits are based on years of service and the employee's highest average compensation during any three consecutive fiscal years. The Association's funding policy is to contribute annually the maximum up to the full funding limitation."
I think I need a job with ASHA! For three years, anyways. :)
As usual, the elites at ASHA live high off the hog on our dime. While school slps are getting their salaries and pensions nuked by budgets, ASHA employees get sweetheart deals.
ASHA Watch
ASHA Watch