This site is not in any way affiliated with ASHA

Learn The Truth About The American Speech-Language Hearing Association

The Website ASHA Doesn't Want You To Know About

79,850 Better informed visitors Since March, 2010!


ASHA Is Clueless

Let the delicious irony of this website sink in: ASHA is supposed to be an advocacy group for speech-language pathologists, but if ASHA was really doing its job of advocating for us, of working in our best interests, there would be no need for the existence of this site - an advocacy site for speech-language pathologists who feel a need to defend their best interests against ASHA! 
ASHA Watch’s rapid growth in such a short period is proof that ASHA is not doing its job, and that many of us are fed up and see ASHA as our adversary rather than our ally. ASHA is clueless. The Board is out of touch. ASHA's actions demonstrate indifference and contempt for its members - the women and men whose dues and fees keep it alive. ASHA acts more like a greedy tyrranical ruler than an advocacy group representing us.
ASHA won’t care about its members until they speak up, fight back, and organize - and we are doing that now. I’m proud of the way that so many of us have begun to channel our anger and disgust into action. This is what America is all about! We are powerful and we are growing! As long as members remain silent and consent to ASHA’s anti-member actions, ASHA will continue to take advantage of us. But ASHA can’t exist without us: it is our money, our silence, and our consent that keeps it alive, and without those it would be on life support, gasping for breath, desperately struggling to phonate its dying pleas:
Come back! Come back! I won't take advantage of you again! I promise! This time I mean it! Please give me another chance! Just don't let me die all alone and broke!