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ASHA Boss Gets Paid More Than President Obama, European Heads Of State

Q: What do President Obama and President Sarkozy of France have in common?
A: They both get paid less than ASHA's executive director.

That's right. ASHA's executive director gets paid more than President Obama, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, and Vladimir Putin of Russia.
According to 2008 tax returns, ASHA paid out a shocking $456,241 in total compensation to executive director/speech chick Arlene Pietranton. The United States pays out $400,000 yearly to President Obama.

Here are the salaries of the most powerful world leaders, according to Forbes magazine:

United States: President Obama: $400,000
Great Britain: Prime Minister David Cameron: $375,222
France: President Nicolas Sarkozy: $346,000
Germany: Chancellor Angela Merkel: $318,000
Russia: President Vladimir Putin: $81,000

The President of the United States' job is to lead a diverse, vibrant, and powerful country of 310 million people in a challenging and dangerous era of international conflicts, nuclear threats, catastrophic oil spills, Islamic terrorism, a worldwide recession, bank collapses, etc. ASHA's executive director's job is to lead an organization of 140,000 predominantly white female speech therapists - most of whom work in the public school system. There's also a yearly ASHA convention to plan and organize. And a website. And then there's the - give me a second here, I'm thinking - I know there's something else - hold on, my morning coffee hasn't kicked in yet...
Well, whatever else it is that Arelene Pietranton does, I'm certain that it must be much, much more important than anything that President Obama, Prime Minister Cameron, and President Sarkozy do or else why would she get paid more than them?

For the benefit of you visual learners, let's compare what two of these leaders are in charge of:

President Obama (salary: $400,000 a year):

In charge of:
The United States of America
Population: 310,000,000

Arlene Pietranton (total compensation in 2008: $456,241):

In charge of:
ASHA offices in Rockville, Maryland, zip code 20850 (just a few blocks south of the "That's Amore!" Italian restaurant where you can find "high quality food at reasonable prices")
Population: 306 employees (including janitorial staff)