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ASHA's 2010 Convention Speaker's Foundation Gives Millions To Abortion Providers

The Susan G. Komen Foundation, the foundation headed by Nancy G. Brinker, ASHA's guest speaker at its convention a few weeks ago, helps to fund Planned Parenthood, the world's largest performer of abortions. That's right: some of your "Race For The Cure" money could be going to an abortion provider. The Susan G. Komen Foundation sends a reported $500,000 a year to abortion providers. This raises the question of how much ASHA paid Brinker (with your membership dues and fees) to speak at its convention and how much of that money went to an organization that provides abortions. You can read all about it by going here.

For many years the Susan G. Komen Foundation has been collecting money to help breast cancer victims. It has also been giving almost $500,000 a year to Planned Parenthood. (Physicians for Life)
The controversy about the Komen foundation's funding of Planned Parenthood has been shadowing the Komen foundation for years. In fact, the Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis explicitly condemned The Race for the Cure in 2010, stating:
... the archdiocese does not encourage participation in the race. The archdiocese has directed its parishes and institutions not to organize any group participation in the race, because such participation, although aimed at fighting breast cancer, would lend Church support to all that the Susan G. Komen for the Cure promotes or funds. The most serious problem is that, according to the last data available, some Komen affiliates provide financial support to Planned Parenthood. Link
 The Archdiocese further stated:
...Our hope is that the Komen Foundation will focus all funds on research to find causes and cures for breast cancer and refuse to give financial or other support to any abortion provider or organization that promotes the destruction of human life.
Race for abortion the Cure was condemned by the Catholic Church but it's founder was honored by ASHA at its 2010 convention
Does anyone think that ASHA would hire a convention guest speaker whose foundation sent money to causes and organizations that offended the LGBT community, Hispanics, or African-Americans? Of course not! ASHA kisses their butts does triple backward somersaults through flaming hoops for those groups. When it comes to Christian concerns and sensibilities, however, ASHA suddenly develops a convenient case of Alzheimer's disease, seemingly losing all recall for the meaning of such words and phrases as "diversity," "cultural sensitivity," and "unbiased and non-partisan."
Nice going, ASHA! We already suspected that you despised Christians and other people of faith.
Either that or you spent less time vetting Nancy G. Brinker than you would in choosing a manicurist.

(For more info about Nancy G. Brinker, go here. )