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ASHA's Gay Caucus Parties At Sleazy Bar

Another contribution to ASHA's rich multicultural tapestry: ASHA's Gay Caucus' 2010 convention week event schedule included a visit to a bar that features "wack off Wednesday," "a night of hot boys, hot bodies," and "Philly and NYC hottest male dancers." 
ASHA is apparently involved in two types of activities: 1) those that it lets its membership know about via prominent coverage in The ASHA Leader, and 2) those that are done with little or non-existent coverage in The ASHA misLeader.
It's no surprise that among those activities that are done with as little fanfare as possible and which The ASHA misLeader fails to report on are some of ASHA's dealings with/or on behalf its LGBT Caucus - the only "multicultural" caucus in ASHA that has a political objective (the caucus very clearly states in its bylaws that one of its objectives is"
 To provide a...political....platform for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues within the professions and within training programs.)
So much for ASHA's ludicrous protests that nothing it does has a political agenda. Maybe the people who run ASHA have a reading comprehension problem. Either that or they have become so immersed in multicultural language projects that simple English sentences now befuddle them.This blog previously reported how The ASHA misLeader failed to report a revision in ASHA's code of ethics related to transexuals and transvestites. A search done on ASHA's website search engine suggests that The ASHA misLeader has yet to print a single word about ASHA's latest move on behalf of L'GASP.
Ever hear of "Partners In Infusion"?  Of course you haven't. That's why this blog exists: to tell you what ASHA is really up to since The ASHA Leader doesn'tVicky R. Deal-Williams, ASHA's chief staff officer of multicultural affairs (this might just as well be called ASHA's "No Drag Queen Left Behind" program), wrote what amounts to being a gushing love letter to L'GASP on L'GASP's website. She made no mention of the fact that L'GASP's schedule for convention week  included a visit to a gay bar that advertises "Wack Off Wednesdays" and "hot boys" (perhaps the "hot boys" had some swallowing disorders L'GASP members were treating?). Miss Vicky (at this moment, Tiny Tim fans are turning nostalgic and misty-eyed at the mention of that name) used her official ASHA title to sign the letter, so does this mean that ASHA knew and approved of Miss Vicky's action? If so, why wasn't this reported in The ASHA Leader? If not, why isn't she being fired? 
So, which is it, ASHA? Did Miss Vicky do this on her own? Or was ASHA doing something as clandestinely as possible?
Miss Vicky used her official ASHA title in her letter published on the L'GASP site. Was this done with the knowledge and approval of ASHA? If so, why didn't The ASHA Leader report it? If not, why isn't she being fired?

clan·des·tine adj. Kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose. (courtesy of The Free Dictionary

So, when was ASHA planning on getting around to informing its members about this?
Try two weeks after the apocalypse.