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66% Of ASHA's 2009 Revenue Went To Salaries And Other Employee Payouts

According to ASHA's latest tax returns (note: ASHA doesn't file its 2010 returns until the fall of 2011), one out of every seven ASHA headquarter employees receives a salary of $100,000 or more.

And every one of ASHA's top eleven bosses received a significant raise in the last tax year (What recession? Did someone say there's a recession? Could someone pass the brie? Anyone going to Martha's Vineyard this summer?) This despite the fact that ASHA's program service revenues dropped from $41,705,953 to $40,642,318.
In 2008, 57% of ASHA's revenues went to salaries and other compensation.
In 2009, that figure jumped to a whopping 66%.
Think of that for a second: 66% of every dollar ASHA gets makes a non-stop flight into the pockets of its employees. According to ASHA's tax returns, ASHA's top $ earners put in a back-breaking and death-defying average workweek of 50 hours. The mind reels at the physical and mental endurance of ASHA's bosses.
What percentage of a business organization should go to payroll?
The gross percentage of payroll as compared to the gross revenue is the ratio that will begin to tell you if you are in trouble or on the right path. 30-38% is a great place to be in. I see many businesses that tip the scale at over 50% AND YES, THIS IS A BUSINESS ALWAYS IN TROUBLE. Second Wind Consultants
No-one wants to donate to a cause that squanders fifty percent of the raised funds to paid employees and other nefarious expenses. CEOs in non-profit organizations 
50%? ASHA is now spending 66% of its revenue on paid employees, an increase of 9% in one year! That's $27,074,062 for:
Compensation of current officers, directors, trustees, and key employees: $2,146,082
Other salaries and wages: $17,832,762
Pension plan contributions: $2,957,242
Other employee benefits: 2,703,443
Payroll taxes: $1,434,533
Total compensation, salaries, wages, and other benefits: $27,074,062 
ASHA Revenue for 2009: $40,642,318 (Source: ASHA form 990 Tax return.
If the present rate of increase continues, by the year 2016, 100% of ASHA's revenues will go to pay the salaries of ASHA headquarter employees. 

Note that ASHA is a non-profit, not a business. Its operating expenses should be no more than 25%. Most of ASHA's revenue is going to support the lifestyles of the one-percenters running it.

 If ASHA was a charity, it would be listed as one of the worst charities in the USA!

Some closing words:
 [I]t is safe to say that all donors give money not to pay for office supplies and inflated salaries for executives, but rather to the programs that charities undertake to further their goals. Worst Charities In America