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ASHA Accused Of Fraud

Ho-hum. Another week, another ASHA scandal

ASHA accused of fraud. So, what else is new?

You can read all about it by going to David H. Kirkwood's column over at Hearing News Watch.

"...Robert Gippin, attorney for ADA, accused the organization of approximately 150,000 speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and speech and hearing scientists of fraud and negligent misrepresentation...

...The suit also asks for “any further relief as the Court deems just and proper to punish ASHA and to deter it from further wrongdoing, including but not limited to a declaration concerning such conduct and requiring ASHA to pay ADA’s reasonable attorney fees and costs in bringing this action.” Hearing News Watch 

The probability that you will ever see anything about this in The ASHA Leader? Zero.
The probability that ASHA will ever admit to any wrongdoing? Zero.
The probability that ASHA will continue to act as it does? 100%