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Learn The Truth About The American Speech-Language Hearing Association

The Website ASHA Doesn't Want You To Know About

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ASHA Watch Diversity Scholarship Awards Applications Now Available!

Applications for the ASHA Watch Diversity Scholarship Awards are now available! ASHA Watch believes that we all benefit from diversity. That's why we are so excited about this opportunity to promote multicultural and ideological diversity in the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)! Thanks to a generous donor, this site is able to celebrate and promote the diversity that is woefully lacking in ASHA. We're awarding two $250 awards and you can request an application and instructions at our email address found on this page (on the right side of this webpage beneath the ABOUT ASHA WATCH heading).

Your request for an application must be from a valid email address and you must include your full name and professional title or your request will be rejected (it's the only way to stop liberal slps and audiologists from sending hate mail and vaguely worded threats; you know how passionately liberals feel about tolerance, acceptance, and open-mindedness. Whoops! Oh, you mean they only believe in tolerance, acceptance, and open-mindedness when it has to do with their side? What a surprise! That  means that liberals love approve of  bullying when they get to be the perpetrators!). Student slps must include their full name and the name of the university/graduate program they are attending. No liberals need apply - ASHA headquarters already has enough of them.

Imagine a world without...ASHA!