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ASHA Spent $2.2 Million On 9 Lobbyists In 2006? And Look At Who They Were!

Here's some - let's say - interesting information.

Take a look at this screen shot of ASHA's lobbying history Link

As you can see, there was an immense spike in ASHA's spending for lobbying in 2006. Hmm, knowing ASHA as we do, we're curious about what ASHA was up to in 2006. Let's take a closer look.

From ASHA's Report filed with the Secretary of the Senate Feb 14, 2007

According to the information provided on that site (see screen shot below), in 2006 ASHA was listed as a "lobbying firm" hired on behalf of itself at a cost of $2,200,000 (which would work out to $244,444 for each of the nine lobbyists named if that amount was divided equally).

Nine lobbyists are listed. Let's Google them and see what we come up with (I got results on all but one):

Catherine Clarke, director of education and regulatory advocacy ASHA link
Ingrida Lusis, director of federal and political advocacy ASHA  Link
Elizabeth Mundinger, director of federal and political advocacy, ASHA Link
James Potter, director of government relations and public policy, ASHA Link
Stefanie Reeves Director, Political Advocacy at ASHA Link
Neil A. Snyder Employment History ASHA Link
Steven White Employment History ASHA  Link

Hmm, I wonder if they have anything in common.
$244,444? As you can see in the above screen shot, the lobbying organization, Valente and Associates, received a measly $108,000 for 3 lobbyists ($36,000 each). But then, after all, Valente and Associates are only professional lobbyists. 
In 2006, when millions were spent on lobbying, ASHA's lobbyists lobbied on behalf of only 9 bills. 
In 2012, when ASHA spent a mere $160,000 on lobbying, it lobbied on behalf of 17 bills.
Gee, if you do a quick cost-benefit analysis, it's apparent that the less ASHA wastes throws around gives away spends, the more it accomplishes. 

Thanks to for most of the information.