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ADA vs. ASHA Lawsuit: Sleazy ASHA Offers Refunds To Those Who "Believe" They Were "Misled"

Of course, there's no possible way that they believe that they were misled by ASHA because they actually were, right?

The ADA vs. ASHA lawsuit was settled. Here's what happened:
ASHA "agreed that in communications it will not use language similar to that which was at issue in the lawsuit." Link
There's nothing here to indicate that the language at issue in the lawsuit was written by ASHA! Notice the wording. ASHA is distancing itself from any and all responsibility for what they did. ASHA will never admit that it is wrong about anything - ever.

And ASHA agreed to refunds:
...if you renewed your ASHA certification in 2011 after receiving a letter in 2011 from ASHA regarding the consequences of losing ASHA certification, or obtained ASHA certification in 2011 after viewing the related FAQs on the ASHA website, and believe you were misled, and now no longer wish to maintain your CCC-A, please contact Marty Rome (ASHA's Chief Staff Officer for Communications) 301-296-8716 or to receive a refund. link

Typical ASHA.
They don't admit that they misled people; they offer refunds to people who believe that they were misled. And those beliefs must be crazy because ASHA would never never never mislead its own members, right?

Thanks to the ADA Website for keeping us all updated.