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2012 Diversity Scholarship Awards Announced: Helping To Promote Diversity In ASHA

ASHA Watch: Promoting Diversity In ASHA
(Update: applications will be available on this site before April 20th) 
Thanks to a generous donor, ASHA Watch is happy to announce its 2012 diversity scholarship awards. The purpose of these awards is to promote diversity in ASHA by encouraging participation in ASHA by members of multi-cultural groups that are currently severely underrepresented in ASHA and may be experiencing marginalization and demonization by ASHA. Two scholarship awards will be given and each is worth $250:

The first award is open to all male applicants who are registered Republicans and who are card-carrying members of at least one other conservative organization (example: the National Rifle Association, a right-to-life group, etc.). If the applicant can give documented proof of heterosexual marriage (as if there were any other kind), we will throw in an additional $25 award. If the applicant can provide documentation of one of the following, we'll throw in another $25: being a member in good standing of a conservative, bible-believing church, orthodox or conservative synagogue, or being a Mormon with a current temple recommendation. The applicant must be one of the following: a licensed speech-language pathologist, a licensed audiologist, or a student currently enrolled in a graduate program for speech-language pathology or audiology.

The second award is open to all female applicants who are registered Republicans and who are card-carrying members of at least one other conservative organization (example: the National Rifle Association, a right-to-life group, etc.). If the applicant can give documented proof of heterosexual marriage, we will throw in an additional $25 award. If the applicant can provide documentation of one of the following, we'll throw in another $25: being a member in good standing of a conservative, bible-believing church, orthodox or conservative synagogue, or being a Mormon with a current temple recommendation. The applicant must be one of the following: a licensed speech-language pathologist, a licensed audiologist, or currently enrolled in a graduate program for speech-language pathology or audiology.

ASHA headquarter's Beltway mentality: liberal, insular, exclusive, insane 

According to a former staffer at ASHA headquarters (which is smack in the middle of one of the most liberal, wealthiest, and out-of-touch areas in the country: the D.C. Beltway), "They (i.e., those who work at ASHA headquarters) are all liberals." You are more likely to come face-to-face with a wooly mammoth at ASHA headquarters than someone whose worldview resembles that of middle America. According to Gallup, conservatives outnumber liberals in the USA by 2:1. But at out-of-touch ASHA headquarters, those wacky liberals not only outnumber conservatives 99:1, they run ASHA as if they think their views are the only ones worth considering. And ASHA's by-laws are now rigged to make certain that a conservative never gets on the board of directors.
Dolly the cloned sheep would be right at home at ASHA Headquarters. Bah! Bah!
ASHA's idea of diversity:  a group of individuals who are politically, philosophically, and socio-economically indistinguishable from everyone else they sip $6 coffees with in their exclusive D.C. Beltway neighborhoods.

And that's why we are so excited about this opportunity to support and promote greater diversity in ASHA! Phony ASHA likes to blah-blah-blah about diversity but we here at ASHA Watch are putting our money where our mouth is!

Stay tuned for more details and information on how to apply.

key words: ASHA scholarships, ASHA awards, diversity in ASHA, NSSHLA scholarships, diversity, scholarships for conservatives.


ASHA Accused Of Fraud

Ho-hum. Another week, another ASHA scandal

ASHA accused of fraud. So, what else is new?

You can read all about it by going to David H. Kirkwood's column over at Hearing News Watch.

"...Robert Gippin, attorney for ADA, accused the organization of approximately 150,000 speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and speech and hearing scientists of fraud and negligent misrepresentation...

...The suit also asks for “any further relief as the Court deems just and proper to punish ASHA and to deter it from further wrongdoing, including but not limited to a declaration concerning such conduct and requiring ASHA to pay ADA’s reasonable attorney fees and costs in bringing this action.” Hearing News Watch 

The probability that you will ever see anything about this in The ASHA Leader? Zero.
The probability that ASHA will ever admit to any wrongdoing? Zero.
The probability that ASHA will continue to act as it does? 100%