$3000 Reward For ASHA Information
I am offering up to a $3000 reward, no questions asked, for information about ASHA. I am interested in emails, memos, documents, voicemails, etc., that pertain to any of the issues I've been addressing on this blog. Notice: I have no interest in anything that is obtained illegally, so don't even think about it. I am only interested in emails, memos, documents, voicemails, etc., that you have personally received and can pass on to me. There are at least two ways to safely do this: 1) copy the materials to a flashdrive, load them up on a non-work computer, and then forward it to me via a non-work computer and email address, or 2) Copy them to a flash drive and send me the flash drive by snail mail.
Your anonymity is guaranteed - no questions asked. If you wish, I can arrange for a third party to receive the information from you and to pass along your reward. You don't even have to give me your name - I can arrange payment without knowing your name (remember to delete your name from anything you send me).
The amount of the reward will be based on the value of the material. I will consider granting a higher reward for information that I deem more valuable. Not only will you be up to $3000 richer, but you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you helped to make ASHA more accountable to its members.