Men In ASHA: Going...Going...GONE!
Flash forward to the Year 2025: The last six remaining men in ASHA get together for a working lunch at ASHA's headquarters. Top of the agenda: a brainstorming session on how to attract men back into the profession.
While ASHA frets that a handful of deranged cross-dressers and transsexuals may not be getting enough Oprah-style love and affirmation from sane and normal ASHA members, it has a much, much bigger problem on its hands: men (non-cross-dressing, non-transsexual, non-castrated men that is) are bolting from the speech and hearing professions faster than a Hollywood starlet from a party that has run out of cocaine. Most men are understandably choosing to enter more masculine work environments where they won't have to pretend they aren't creeped out by cross-dressers and transsexuals.
Here are the yearly figures for the overall proportion of male ASHA members:
1996 8.5%
1997 8.3%
1998 8.0%
1999 7.7%
2000 7.5%
2001 7.2%
2003 6.7%
2005 6.3%
2007 6.1%
2008 5.9%
2009 5.9% (Figures were about the same as 2008, most likely due to the severe recession which prevented career mobility. Look for another 0.2 - 0.4% decrease when the economy picks up (i.e., when Obama and his socialist thugs finally leave the White House).
Did anyone's ears pop while their eyes were going down that list of declining numbers? I know mine did. Next time, I'll chew some gum.
Just try not to break out into laughter the next time you hear delusional ASHA blathering on about diversity. One of ASHA's slogans is:
Celebrating 40 years of diversity.
Based on ASHA's recent shenanigans, I think ASHA's slogan should be:
Celebrating 40 years of alienating men, caucasians, Christians, conservatives, Republicans, non-lesbian women, working moms, and absolutely anyone else who doesn't agree with our far-left progressive agenda!
And what's ASHA's response to this crisis of vanishing men?
Cue the crickets. -Chirp-
Like a weird rash/yeast infection picked up at a private LGBT party during ASHA convention week, this problem isn't going away anytime soon.
Go ahead, ASHA, keep pandering to the most extreme and bizarre fringe elements of society while you totally ignore half of the mainstream population (men). Pander, pander, pander. Grovel, grovel, grovel.