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ASHA's "Multicultural" Issues Board Consists Of Twelve Women, One Man Listed On Website As LGBT Caucus Co-Chair

The words "diversity" and "multiculturalism" often mean whatever the people using them want them to mean. Take a look at who makes up ASHA's "multicultural issues board."
Scroll down to the middle of that page link (ironically titled: "ASHA's Diversity Champions"):
Rebecca, Arnell, Marcella, Alina, Ella, Emi, Alison, Janna, Barbara, Yasmeen, Greta, Elizabeth, and Tedd.
Twelve women and one man.
Oh, I almost forgot. The L'GASP website (L'GASP is the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender caucus of ASHA) states that the man "is one of the two L'GASP co-chairs."
How's that for diversity? Twelve women and one man who serves as co-chair for ASHA's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender caucus. How's that for being representative of the general population? There's nothing like a diversity committee that lacks diversity.
ASHA brags that it has been celebrating diversity for forty years. Sure, if your bizarre concept of diversity means not counting anyone but women and L'GASP co-chairs. ASHA preaching to the rest of us about diversity and multiculturalism? ASHA as a shining example of diversity and multiculturalism? This is a joke, right? 

Does ASHA really believe its own baloney? Are the residents of ASHA's castle in Rockville this out-of-touch? They need to get out of their hermetically-sealed corporate fish tank and start talking to members before their present loose grip on reality careens into a total psychotic crack-up.
You can't make this stuff up.
Writing this blog is like shooting fish in a barrel - with a grenade launcher. Thank you, ASHA for making my job so easy.