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Flashback To 2009 - ASHA Threw Obama Celebration in ASHA Capitol Hill Office

Our socialist, anti-constitution, Islam-loving, America-bashing, down-on-his-luck president should visit ASHA's office: they'll gladly provide him with free "adult beverages" to go with his smokes.
 Now that polls strongly suggest that Obama's party is set to get a well-deserved thrashing in November, it's a good time to remind SLPs that "non-partisan, unbiased, and apolitical" ASHA took it upon itself to use its Capitol Hill office to throw a "celebration" of Obama's inauguration back in 2009 (complete with "adult" beverages!).
Three guesses about where the money came from.
Let's see, the connection between Obama's inauguration and speech, language, and hearing is - give me a second, I'm thinking. Maybe ASHA threw Obama a party because Obama is apparently deaf to the concerns of voters? It's a long shot, but it's the best I can do.
It's nice to know that ASHA money is being put to such good use, isn't it?
BTW, I filed a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service over this.
ASHA is absolutely disgusting.

Below is the announcement sent out by ASHA in late 2008 (name of the contact person removed by me).

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
is honored to invite you to a celebration of the inauguration of

Barack Obama
44th President of the United States of America

ASHA's Capitol Hill Office
(two blocks north of the U.S. Capitol)
444 North Capitol Street, NW - Suite 715
Washington, DC 20001
(click to view map)

January 20, 2009

Feel free to bring family and friends, and stop by during the day for coffee, hot cider and chocolate, adult beverages, and snacks...or just to warm up.

Please RSVP to XXXX at or 202-624-5951 by Friday, January 16th.