I couldn't let the anniversary of 9/11 go by without posting a few words. Since ASHA loves mindless multiculturalism, this is relevant to the blog.
While liberal self-hating Americans bend over backwards to kowtow to Islam in the name of multiculturalism and diversity; while progressives use the media to try to brainwash us with the lie that Islam is a religion of peace, those who have studied Islam know the truth about this barbaric ideology:
Islam is the greatest threat to Western Civilization since Nazism.
If Islamists have their way in the USA, it will lead to the stoning of adulterers, the physical assault and rape of women who refuse to wear the veil, the takeover of churches and synagogues, the banning of bibles, and the taxing of non-Muslims for the right to practice their faith.
This is not paranoid thinking; this is what Islam has done throughout history in countries where it has been able to become the majority religion. It's called
Sharia law and Islam teaches that it is the duty of every Muslim to spread it throughout the world.
9/11 taught us all we need to know about Islam: it's violent (anyone want to argue with the statement that Islam is the most violent religion in America? Any takers? I didn't think so), it's fanatical, it hates America (which means it hates
you), and it has no use for the freedoms that Americans hold dear. Over 38,000 people have been murdered by Islamists
since 9/11 and there is no end in sight. Everywhere that Islam goes, it leaves a murderous chaotic trail, the annihilation of freedom, and the crushing of Christians and Jews. Don't be intimidated by Muslims and their liberal lapdogs who want to silence all criticism of Islam by smearing them with the accusation of Islamophobia;
it's not Islamophobia if Islamists are really out to kill people - it's a rational response to the reality of Islam.
Today, let us remember those Americans who were killed by this murderous and fanatical ideology; we must never forget what happened on that terrible day.
And let us be on our guard against a mindless liberalism that is helping those who want to destroy and murder us -
all in the name of diversity and multiculturalism. If we need to establish limits on diversity, multiculturalism, and immigration in order to save our great nation, let's get on with it. I'd rather see that than to ever have to watch one more innocent American jump to his death in order to escape being burned alive by the insane mass murdering machine known as Islam.
On 9/11, 3,000 Americans died because of Islam. Unless America - and liberals, especially - wake up, they may not be the last.