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What The ASHA Leader Won't Tell You About ASHA's Finances:

What The ASHA Leader Won't Tell You About ASHA's Ultra-Liberal Agenda:

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ADA vs. ASHA Lawsuit: Sleazy ASHA Offers Refunds To Those Who "Believe" They Were "Misled"

Of course, there's no possible way that they believe that they were misled by ASHA because they actually were, right?

The ADA vs. ASHA lawsuit was settled. Here's what happened:
ASHA "agreed that in communications it will not use language similar to that which was at issue in the lawsuit." Link
There's nothing here to indicate that the language at issue in the lawsuit was written by ASHA! Notice the wording. ASHA is distancing itself from any and all responsibility for what they did. ASHA will never admit that it is wrong about anything - ever.

And ASHA agreed to refunds:
...if you renewed your ASHA certification in 2011 after receiving a letter in 2011 from ASHA regarding the consequences of losing ASHA certification, or obtained ASHA certification in 2011 after viewing the related FAQs on the ASHA website, and believe you were misled, and now no longer wish to maintain your CCC-A, please contact Marty Rome (ASHA's Chief Staff Officer for Communications) 301-296-8716 or to receive a refund. link

Typical ASHA.
They don't admit that they misled people; they offer refunds to people who believe that they were misled. And those beliefs must be crazy because ASHA would never never never mislead its own members, right?

Thanks to the ADA Website for keeping us all updated.


Diversity Almost Completely Eliminated At All Liberal, All Pro-Gay Agenda ASHA: Number Of Male SLPS Sinks To New Low: 4%

- and if you only count heterosexuals, that figure probably drops to 0.4%.

The latest ASHA membership survey indicates that the percentage of male slps in ASHA has declined yet again and is now a pitiful 4%.

Here's how ASHA's chief staff officer for multicultural affairs, Vicki Deal-Wiliams, did her spin on the abysmal news:
"There continues to be a decline in the number of men in the professions, but data ASHA compiled recently show specific areas of potential for more targeted recruitment.."
Sure it does, Vicki.
In related news, Vicki is planning to buy a Chevy Volt. Since so few people want electric cars that explode, she thinks she can take advantage of the buyer's market for them.
a. The act or process of deluding.
b. The state of being deluded.
2. A false belief or opinion: labored under the delusion that success was at hand.
3. Psychiatry A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness: delusions of persecution.
Young heterosexual men are avoiding this profession as if it's a social disease. A social disease that is antibiotic resistant. And that causes impotence. Forever.

More from Miss Vicki :
"We need to add more men to the ranks if we are to ensure a diversity of perspectives."
I've been dealing with ASHA for years now, Vicki. One thing I know that ASHA definitely is not interested in is, "a diversity of perspectives." Slps would never have had to resign from ASHA on conscientious grounds (as they have done) if ASHA was welcoming to, "a diversity of perspectives." ASHA is so firmly committed to a far-left, pro-gay, pro-transgender agenda that no person of faith or conservative values can remain a member of ASHA without violating their conscience. We know that ASHA is hostile to our most deeply held beliefs, values, and perspectives: ASHA refused our request for a religious exemption so that faith-based slps could be provided with a way to remain in ASHA without violating their consciences. So don't dare think that we are ever going to fall for that nonsense about ASHA being interested in perspective diversity; it's absolute nonsense. And this website would have no reason to exist if ASHA had ever been interested in any diversity of perspectives.

ASHA's idea of a politically and culturally diverse group is a Planned Parenthood fundraiser hosted by Chaz Bono at Nancy Pelosi's campaign headquarters.

ASHA's website describes  chief staff officer for multicultural affairs Vicki Deal-Williams as "an astute visionary."  I wonder if the "visionary" Ms. Williams was "astute" enough to foresee that the percentage of male slps would take yet another nosedive. 
And here's how ASHA's boss Arlene Pietranton chirped in on the survey:
"Given this year's results, ASHA members should be proud of the group they represent."
Or something.
Grinning ASHA boss Arlene Pietranton gushes: "ASHA members should be proud..."

Okay, Vicki and Arlene, you can both go back to your offices and take a very, very long nap. You did your spin. We'll wake you when we need some more comic relief.

Just think: this profession was once almost exclusively male. But that was way back in the dark days before there were "chief staff officers for multicultural affairs" to fix things.
Vicki's compensation from ASHA for being their "chief staff officer for multicultural affairs" is over $200,000 a year (that's equal to the membership dues of 888 ASHA members). How could anyone possibly wonder if she's worth it? All aboard the Gravy train! Toot! Toot!

Maybe ASHA should do what we're doing.

ASHA has no shame. Take a look at this news item from last week:

ASHA Honored With Three Awards for Workplace Excellence and Diversity 

May 7, 2012 - New this year, ASHA is being recognized as a leading practitioner in diversity and inclusion practices. Vicki R. Deal-Williams, ASHA's chief staff officer for Multicultural Affairs, will participate in a panel discussion on Leading Practices in Diversity and Inclusion at 10:00 a.m. Link

ASHA 's diversity failures outsize the Milky Way

No word yet on if Vicki will discuss ASHA's milky way galaxy-sized diversity failures.

Perhaps Vicki will discuss what not to do. She should be an expert on that.


ASHA Spent $2.2 Million On 9 Lobbyists In 2006? And Look At Who They Were!

Here's some - let's say - interesting information.

Take a look at this screen shot of ASHA's lobbying history Link

As you can see, there was an immense spike in ASHA's spending for lobbying in 2006. Hmm, knowing ASHA as we do, we're curious about what ASHA was up to in 2006. Let's take a closer look.

From ASHA's Report filed with the Secretary of the Senate Feb 14, 2007

According to the information provided on that site (see screen shot below), in 2006 ASHA was listed as a "lobbying firm" hired on behalf of itself at a cost of $2,200,000 (which would work out to $244,444 for each of the nine lobbyists named if that amount was divided equally).

Nine lobbyists are listed. Let's Google them and see what we come up with (I got results on all but one):

Catherine Clarke, director of education and regulatory advocacy ASHA link
Ingrida Lusis, director of federal and political advocacy ASHA  Link
Elizabeth Mundinger, director of federal and political advocacy, ASHA Link
James Potter, director of government relations and public policy, ASHA Link
Stefanie Reeves Director, Political Advocacy at ASHA Link
Neil A. Snyder Employment History ASHA Link
Steven White Employment History ASHA  Link

Hmm, I wonder if they have anything in common.
$244,444? As you can see in the above screen shot, the lobbying organization, Valente and Associates, received a measly $108,000 for 3 lobbyists ($36,000 each). But then, after all, Valente and Associates are only professional lobbyists. 
In 2006, when millions were spent on lobbying, ASHA's lobbyists lobbied on behalf of only 9 bills. 
In 2012, when ASHA spent a mere $160,000 on lobbying, it lobbied on behalf of 17 bills.
Gee, if you do a quick cost-benefit analysis, it's apparent that the less ASHA wastes throws around gives away spends, the more it accomplishes. 

Thanks to for most of the information.


You Don't Want To Get Your CCC's

From an audiology student... And, yes, it's all about ASHA holding onto its power and getting you to pay dues. Million dollar homes in exclusive D.C neighborhoods (Hello, ASHA bosses!) don't come cheap. Link
It is a little ridiculous that in order to graduate, I must meet 1800+ hours working with ASHA certified audiologists. I'm sure there are a lot of audiologists out there that elect against certification who would make quality preceptors for an externship. Having said that, suggesting that non-ASHA audiologists are not allowed to supervise is dead wrong.
You DO NOT need your CCC's to work as an audiologist. I am currently a 4th year Au.D. student and my preceptor is not ASHA certified. Choose your clinical sites by experience not off of ASHA certification. There are many wonderful preceptors without their CCC's!

Either way you don't want to get your CCC's for many reasons, but in general ASHA is holding our field back. They didn't want us to advance to a doctoral program and they certainly don't want us to stop paying dues. 


ASHA's Latest Legal Move

No wonder ASHA loves Obama so much

What do you call it when someone "accepts" their accuser's version of the facts but "disputes" them at the same time? I'd call it typical ASHA double talk - and a very sleazy attempt on the part of ASHA to wriggle out of a very expensive legal battle that is draining ASHA's resources and further damaging their already shaky relationship with audiologists. Take a look at the latest ASHA brief from the ADA lawsuit. Note that this is the wording from ASHA's own legal brief:

"ASHA disputes the factual allegations asserted by Plaintiff in the Second Amended Complaint and will disprove them should this litigation proceed. However, ASHA accepts
Plaintiff’s version of the facts
as true for purposes of ASHA’s Motion to Dismiss." (bold added) Link
How about that bag of apples? ASHA disputes and accepts the allegations - all in the same paragraph! In other words, it sounds to me as if ASHA will agree that the ADA's charges are true if doing so will rescue ASHA's butt from this expensive public relations disaster, but that ASHA will dispute the charges if it won't! Whichever version of the truth costs less will be the one that ASHA admits to? This is morality determined by the "bottom line." How comforting to know that ASHA is monitoring the professional ethics of our profession! If ASHA had any character, it would either admit wrongdoing if it did wrong or fight this battle to the end if it didn't. That is, if ASHA had any character. As this blog has repeatedly shown, the version of ASHA presented by its propaganda periodical, The ASHA Leader, does not give the full picture of ASHA.
If ASHA admits to ADA's fraud allegations, we will never let it or its members forget it. ASHA will forever be known on this website as, "ASHA, which admitted in court in 2012 that it accepted charges that it committed fraud against its own members..."


ASHA Watch Diversity Scholarship Awards Applications Now Available!

Applications for the ASHA Watch Diversity Scholarship Awards are now available! ASHA Watch believes that we all benefit from diversity. That's why we are so excited about this opportunity to promote multicultural and ideological diversity in the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)! Thanks to a generous donor, this site is able to celebrate and promote the diversity that is woefully lacking in ASHA. We're awarding two $250 awards and you can request an application and instructions at our email address found on this page (on the right side of this webpage beneath the ABOUT ASHA WATCH heading).

Your request for an application must be from a valid email address and you must include your full name and professional title or your request will be rejected (it's the only way to stop liberal slps and audiologists from sending hate mail and vaguely worded threats; you know how passionately liberals feel about tolerance, acceptance, and open-mindedness. Whoops! Oh, you mean they only believe in tolerance, acceptance, and open-mindedness when it has to do with their side? What a surprise! That  means that liberals love approve of  bullying when they get to be the perpetrators!). Student slps must include their full name and the name of the university/graduate program they are attending. No liberals need apply - ASHA headquarters already has enough of them.

Imagine a world without...ASHA!


ADA Lawsuit Charge: ASHA Conduct "outrageous, done with evil motive or reckless indifference..."

"Outrageous, done with evil motives or reckless indifference to the rights of others," is ASHA's signature M.O. as far as we're concerned. 

The ADA's lawsuit against ASHA continues. 

You can read the latest court document filed on 4/3/12 by clicking here. It may take a few moments to download so be patient. 
Here is a brief section (bold added) from the latest court document.

23. ASHA’s fraudulent conduct was outrageous, done with evil motive or reckless indifference to the rights of others, justifying such relief as the Court deems just and proper to punish ASHA and to deter it from further wrongdoing, including but not limited to a declaration concerning such conduct and requiring ASHA to pay ADA’s reasonable attorney fees and costs in bringing this action.
24. Unless it is required to pay restitution to those who renewed their CCC-A status in reliance on the fraud, ASHA will unjustly continue to enjoy the benefits of its fraud.


Lawsuit Against ASHA - In Brief: ADA Charges Against ASHA

Many people want to know what the lawsuit against ASHA is all about. Hell will freeze over before The ASHA Leader mentions it, so here is a quick and dirty:
According to court documents, the ADA (The Academy of Doctors of Audiology) charged that ASHA
"made false statements" because it was "recognizing the threats to revenues it receives from the CCC-A." In other words, the ADA charged that as a growing number of audiologists jump the expensive, irrelevant, and out-of-touch ASHA ship, "ASHA made false statements to audiologists in order to deceive them into renewing the CCC-A." 
I resigned from ASHA several months ago (on conscientious grounds) and received a bullcrap letter from ASHA similar to the one that the ADA refers to in its lawsuit. I interpreted ASHA's letter to me as an obvious and very lame attempt to intimidate and frighten me out of resigning from ASHA. Fat chance of a sleazy organization like ASHA ever intimidating and frightening me. Now that I am no longer a member of ASHA, it can't even discipline me. 
ASHA members need to be concerned about the skyrocketing legal bills ASHA is running up because of these incidents. ASHA resources are being used to fight legal battles in court rather than promote our professional interests - and it all comes out of your membership dues. 
You can get the full document here. It may take a while to download so be patient. For those who want the essence of the charges, see the following section from the document (bold added). 


11. Audiologists often do not require the CCC-A in order to maintain and grow their practices. That has become increasingly true as the Au.D. has become the publicly-recognized credential for audiologists. Many employers no longer require their
audiologists to hold the CCC-A. Many audiologists do not find value in the CCC-A for their private practices. A substantial number of such audiologists no longer hold the CCC-A.
12. Recognizing the threat to the revenues it receives from the CCC-A, ASHA made false statements to audiologists in order to deceive them into renewing the CCC-A. There were three such false statements: 1) That the CCC-A is required to provide clinical services, 2) That the CCC-A is required in order to provide clinical practicum supervision and/or 3) That the CCC-A is required in order to supervise audiology aides and assistants. These will be referred to hereafter as the False Statements.
13. The False Statements were made in two ways that came to ADA’s attention. First, ASHA sent form letters to audiologists who have either given notice that they wish to cancel the CCC-A or who have failed to renew on time. Examples of these letters are attached as Exhibits 1-3. Second, ASHA made the false statements in a “Q&A” on its website, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 4. On information and belief, the letters were received and relied upon by persons in the Western District of Pennsylvania and the website false statements were seen and relied upon by persons in the same District, as intended by ASHA.
14. The first letter, Exhibit 1, to those canceling, falsely informed them that they “cannot supervise students in clinical practicum or during the clinical fellowship.” According to ASHA, it was sent over the last three years to approximately 150 persons. The second letter, Exhibit 2, to those who had not renewed, falsely warned them that, “You will be prohibited from providing or supervising clinical services.” The third letter, Exhibit 3, was then sent to those who still did not renew, falsely telling them that, “You are no longer able to provide clinical services and/or supervise clinical fellows.” According to ASHA, the Exhibit 2 and 3 letters were used beginning in January of 2011 and were sent to 175 persons (Ex. 2) and then to 93 of those same persons (Ex. 3).
15. On the website, Exhibit 4, page 10 of 11, ASHA falsely stated to potential new audiologists, “Until you receive notification from the National Office that certification has been awarded, you may not present yourself as being certified and you may not provide independent clinical services, or supervise students or audiology aides/assistants.”
16. On information and belief, ASHA also made the False Statements in other ways, with the same intention and effect of deceiving audiologists into believing that they must hold the CCC-A in order to provide clinical services and to supervise students and/or aides and assistants. ASHA created a widespread belief among audiologists that the False Statements were true. On information and belief, some or all of the other False Statements were made to persons in the Western District of Pennsylvania.
17. Audiologists in the Western District of Pennsylvania and throughout the United States were deceived by ASHA’s False Statements and obtained and renewed their CCC-A status when they would not otherwise have done so, because they believed they needed to do so in order to continue to offer clinical services and supervise students, aides and assistants. The fact that 82 persons renewed after receiving the Exhibit 2 letter (and thus did not receive the Exhibit 3 letter) illustrates the point.

Key words: lawsuits against ASHA, ADA, ASHA sued, suing ASHA, CCC-A, ASHA CCC's, ASHA certification, suing ASHA

Keep Updated On ADA vs. ASHA Lawsuit

ASHA in court - again
You can keep up to date on the lawsuit that the Academy of Doctors of Audiology filed against ASHA by going to this link:

Legal Action Against ASHA Updates

 No other professional organization inspires this much anger and hostility in its own members. There is now an army of audiologists and slps who would love to see ASHA toppled.

Since The ASHA misLeader is always silent about ASHA's many - er - issues ("keep 'em stupid and you can lead 'em around as if on a leash," seems to be ASHA's motto), it requires outsiders to keep members informed about this odious organization.
ASHA likes it membership to be like sheep: stupid, docile,
easily fleeced


2012 Diversity Scholarship Awards Announced: Helping To Promote Diversity In ASHA

ASHA Watch: Promoting Diversity In ASHA
(Update: applications will be available on this site before April 20th) 
Thanks to a generous donor, ASHA Watch is happy to announce its 2012 diversity scholarship awards. The purpose of these awards is to promote diversity in ASHA by encouraging participation in ASHA by members of multi-cultural groups that are currently severely underrepresented in ASHA and may be experiencing marginalization and demonization by ASHA. Two scholarship awards will be given and each is worth $250:

The first award is open to all male applicants who are registered Republicans and who are card-carrying members of at least one other conservative organization (example: the National Rifle Association, a right-to-life group, etc.). If the applicant can give documented proof of heterosexual marriage (as if there were any other kind), we will throw in an additional $25 award. If the applicant can provide documentation of one of the following, we'll throw in another $25: being a member in good standing of a conservative, bible-believing church, orthodox or conservative synagogue, or being a Mormon with a current temple recommendation. The applicant must be one of the following: a licensed speech-language pathologist, a licensed audiologist, or a student currently enrolled in a graduate program for speech-language pathology or audiology.

The second award is open to all female applicants who are registered Republicans and who are card-carrying members of at least one other conservative organization (example: the National Rifle Association, a right-to-life group, etc.). If the applicant can give documented proof of heterosexual marriage, we will throw in an additional $25 award. If the applicant can provide documentation of one of the following, we'll throw in another $25: being a member in good standing of a conservative, bible-believing church, orthodox or conservative synagogue, or being a Mormon with a current temple recommendation. The applicant must be one of the following: a licensed speech-language pathologist, a licensed audiologist, or currently enrolled in a graduate program for speech-language pathology or audiology.

ASHA headquarter's Beltway mentality: liberal, insular, exclusive, insane 

According to a former staffer at ASHA headquarters (which is smack in the middle of one of the most liberal, wealthiest, and out-of-touch areas in the country: the D.C. Beltway), "They (i.e., those who work at ASHA headquarters) are all liberals." You are more likely to come face-to-face with a wooly mammoth at ASHA headquarters than someone whose worldview resembles that of middle America. According to Gallup, conservatives outnumber liberals in the USA by 2:1. But at out-of-touch ASHA headquarters, those wacky liberals not only outnumber conservatives 99:1, they run ASHA as if they think their views are the only ones worth considering. And ASHA's by-laws are now rigged to make certain that a conservative never gets on the board of directors.
Dolly the cloned sheep would be right at home at ASHA Headquarters. Bah! Bah!
ASHA's idea of diversity:  a group of individuals who are politically, philosophically, and socio-economically indistinguishable from everyone else they sip $6 coffees with in their exclusive D.C. Beltway neighborhoods.

And that's why we are so excited about this opportunity to support and promote greater diversity in ASHA! Phony ASHA likes to blah-blah-blah about diversity but we here at ASHA Watch are putting our money where our mouth is!

Stay tuned for more details and information on how to apply.

key words: ASHA scholarships, ASHA awards, diversity in ASHA, NSSHLA scholarships, diversity, scholarships for conservatives.


ASHA Accused Of Fraud

Ho-hum. Another week, another ASHA scandal

ASHA accused of fraud. So, what else is new?

You can read all about it by going to David H. Kirkwood's column over at Hearing News Watch.

"...Robert Gippin, attorney for ADA, accused the organization of approximately 150,000 speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and speech and hearing scientists of fraud and negligent misrepresentation...

...The suit also asks for “any further relief as the Court deems just and proper to punish ASHA and to deter it from further wrongdoing, including but not limited to a declaration concerning such conduct and requiring ASHA to pay ADA’s reasonable attorney fees and costs in bringing this action.” Hearing News Watch 

The probability that you will ever see anything about this in The ASHA Leader? Zero.
The probability that ASHA will ever admit to any wrongdoing? Zero.
The probability that ASHA will continue to act as it does? 100%


Most Popular Posts

What The ASHA Leader Won't Tell You About ASHA's Finances:

What The ASHA Leader Won't Tell You About ASHA's Liberal Progressive Political Agenda:

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Key Words: The ASHA Blog, ASHA blog, ADA, ASHA, ASHA fees, ASHA CCC's, ASHA ccc', ASHA membership, ASHA membership renewal, CCC-SLP, CCC Maintenance, maintaining your ASHA certification, ASHA criticism, speech-language pathologist, SLP, SLP News, The ASHA Leader, ASHA convention, ASHAsphere, American speech-language hearing association, ASHA continuing education, ASHA dues, ASHAsphere, NSSLHA, ASHA CEUs


Biography of Susan Komen Foundation Head Nancy Brinker (ASHA 2010 Convention Speaker)

Nancy Brinker
Since Nancy Brinker (ASHA's 2010 Convention speaker) announced this week that she will no longer send Susan Komen (Race For The Cure) foundation money to death merchants Planned Parenthood (2/3/12 update: that decision has now been reversed; Brinker will be funding Planned Parenthood), this site has received a spike of hits from people searching for information about Nancy Brinker. I am providing a direct link to ASHA Watch's very popular biography of Brinker that was published in June, 2010. It contains information that was censored ignored by most of the media. Keep in mind that ASHA picked Brinker to be their 2010 convention speaker (when she was already a highly controversial figure because of her link to Planned Parenthood). That isn't a surprise because ASHA despises Christian faith and moral values.

You can access the biography by clicking on the link below:

Nancy Brinker Biography